We will be painting all the divider fences and 3 story decks.
We will also be removing the path between 67-68 over to the pool by 38-39 and replacing the broken and constantly shifting stones with paving. It is a less expensive option and more stable for longevity.
A few really bad sections of road will be repaired. Paving the entire road will happen after we replace the water supply system. This requires digging up the entire complex. Originally the older engineering company suggested doing it in 3 sections over a 6 year period. The new engineer that did our last reserve fund study agreed with the board this was too disruptive, so we are trying to save up the money to do it all at once so that we don’t have 6 years of mess. This means we have to put up with a few patched potholes for another year.
There are quite a few roofs to be done this summer into fall as well.